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The Night of Churches 2023


Try to imagine what an AI-created “imprint” of your soul might look like. We invite you to the Church of the Infant Jesus of Prague, a place with a rich past and an active present, for a small, experimental glimpse into the future.
On June 2, 2023, from 7 to 11 pm, as part of the nationwide event Night of Churches, we will let the music created by artificial intelligence play in the church, displaying visualizations of our souls. Visitors can either use their smartphone after loading the app or work directly with a kiosk connected to a projector to view the results on a giant screen.
The project is being developed in collaboration with the Research Group for Theology and Contemporary Culture at the Evangelical Theological Faculty of Charles University, the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics at Charles University and the Multidisciplinary Working Group AI in Context.

Noc kostelů 2023

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